Far East Council Scout Shop
Need to place a store order? Use the FEC Order Form:
Item number is not needed for award items, but helps identify your specific request and sizes for things like uniforms, etc.
2. Email the order form to the appropriate address on the form or listed below for processing. Please include mailing address, and method of payment.
Zama (Japan) Scout Store
Provides Service to Japan and Korea Units
Hours of Operation
Monday - 10am - 1pm
Tuesday - 10am - 1pm
Wednesday - 10am - 1pm
Thursday; 10am - 1pm
Office Phone Numbers/E-mail
Store: (Stateside Number) 1-469-375-7719
Off base in Japan: 036-868-2328 NEW!
Intl: +81-36-868-2328 NEW!
Zama/SHA DSN: Dial 98, then 1-469-375-7719
All other Kanto Plains DSN: Dial 263-1201, then 1-469-375-7719
Official BSA online retailer is Scoutstuff.org: